Privacy Policy

Establishment date 2019 October 30thLast amendment date 2023 September 15th

Company CogSmart (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") shall disclose, based on Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Law) and JIS Q 15001:2017 Annex A., the use of personal information within the scope of the following purposes. Purpose of use of personal information
 The Company shall use the acquired personal information for the purposes shown below.
 【Purpose of use in case of acquiring personal information directly from the individual (including information provided through methods other than written documents, such as websites and e-mails; hereinafter referred to as "documents")】
(1) Personal information of customers acquired directly by the Company, excluding (2) to (4)
・ Customer's personal information is used for providing products such as software for the improvement and maintenance of brain function, related after-sales services, and the introduction of new services (*In the case of obtaining consent, this includes guidance via e-mail).
(2) Personal information of inquirers regarding the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries.
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business.
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, and security management.
(5) Personal information of applicants directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes.
【Purpose of use in case of acquiring personal information through methods other than written documents directly from the individual】
(1) For the implementation of inspections, interventions, prevention, and support services for the improvement and maintenance of brain function entrusted to the Company
(2) Information of personnel from collaborative companies is provided to the contracting party for the confirmation of skills.
(3) Application information from Hello Work and private job placement sites is used for recruitment purposes Above

Matters related to the public knowledge of held personal data and record of third party provision
 Establishment date 2019 October 30thLast amendment date 2024 May 1stCompany CogSmart (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") hereby announces the following matters regarding requests for the disclosure of held personal data (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction of content, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for the disclosure of records of third party provision.1. Name and address of the Company, names of representatives
Name: CogSmart Co., Ltd.
Address: 〒103-0023 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, Room 701
Representatives: President Akira Higuchi, Representative Director Yasuyuki Taki
2. Administrator of personal information protection
Title/Name: President Akira Higuchi
Contact: Email Address: [email protected]. Purposes of use of held personal data
(1) Personal information of customers acquired directly by the Company
・ Customer's personal information is used for providing products such as software for the improvement and maintenance of brain function, related after-sales services, and the introduction of new services (*In the case of obtaining consent, this includes guidance via e-mail).
(2) Personal information of inquirers regarding the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries.
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business.
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, and security management.
(5) Personal information of applicants directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes4. Contact point for complaints regarding held personal data handling
For inquiries regarding held personal data, we accept inquiries at the following contact point.
〒103-0023 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, Room 701
CogSmart Co., Ltd. Inquiries regarding personal informationEmail Address: [email protected]. Certified personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs
Name of certified personal information protection organization and contact point for filing complaints【Name of certified personal information protection organization】
   Japan Information Economy Society Promotion Association, General Incorporated Foundation【Contact point for filing complaints】
   Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
   〒106-0032 Roppongi 1-9-9, Minato-ku, Tokyo Roppongi First Building
   Phone number 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779
   (Not related to inquiries regarding our products or services)6. Procedures for disclosure, etc.
If there is a request for disclosure, etc., please contact the inquiries regarding personal information at the above contact point. We will explain the necessary procedures and send the required application forms.7. Measures taken for the security management of held personal data, etc.
The Company has established regulations for the handling of personal information and specific personal information, and measures for security, and has taken the following measures.
(1) Organizational security management measures
・ A policy has been established for the handling of personal information, and it has been thoroughly disseminated within the Company as the personal information protection policy, and is also publicly available on the website for general access.
・ For each stage such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., procedures for the handling of personal information, including handling methods, responsible persons and their duties, have been established and compiled as regulations documents, and have been disseminated within the Company.
・ Regular self-checks are conducted on the handling status of personal information, and regular internal audits by other departments and external parties from a fair standpoint are also conducted.
・ The handling of each piece of personal information is limited.
(2) Human security management measures
・ Regular training on matters to be mindful of regarding the handling of personal information is conducted for employees.
・ Confirmations of confidentiality are obtained from employees.
(3) Physical security measures, technical security measures
・ Access to personal information by persons other than the handlers is limited to prevent browsing of personal information.
・ In areas where personal information is handled, the entry and exit of employees and restrictions on bringing in devices, etc., are controlled.
・ Personal information is stored in lockable cabinets and on servers with access restrictions.
・ Measures such as firewalls have been introduced to prevent external unauthorized access to servers, etc.
Furthermore, measures against malicious software such as computer viruses are also implemented.
・ When transferring personal information, the following measures are taken:
- When transporting media, methods that leave delivery records are used or it is hand-delivered directly.
- Measures to prevent leakage such as encryption are implemented for electronic data communications.
(4) Understanding the external environment
・ In cases where there are business operators entrusted with the handling of personal information, safe handling is confirmed through the conclusion of contracts regarding the handling of personal information, and confirmation of the contents of terms and conditions and usage agreements. Above

Privacy Policy

Establishment date 2019 October 30thLast amendment date 2023 September 15th

Company CogSmart (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") shall disclose, based on Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Law) and JIS Q 15001:2017 Annex A., the use of personal information within the scope of the following purposes. Purpose of use of personal information
 The Company shall use the acquired personal information for the purposes shown below.
 【Purpose of use in case of acquiring personal information directly from the individual (including information provided through methods other than written documents, such as websites and e-mails; hereinafter referred to as "documents")】
(1) Personal information of customers acquired directly by the Company, excluding (2) to (4)
・ Customer's personal information is used for providing products such as software for the improvement and maintenance of brain function, related after-sales services, and the introduction of new services (*In the case of obtaining consent, this includes guidance via e-mail).
(2) Personal information of inquirers regarding the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries.
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business.
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, and security management.
(5) Personal information of applicants directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes.
【Purpose of use in case of acquiring personal information through methods other than written documents directly from the individual】
(1) For the implementation of inspections, interventions, prevention, and support services for the improvement and maintenance of brain function entrusted to the Company
(2) Information of personnel from collaborative companies is provided to the contracting party for the confirmation of skills.
(3) Application information from Hello Work and private job placement sites is used for recruitment purposes Above

Matters related to the public knowledge of held personal data and record of third party provision
 Establishment date 2019 October 30thLast amendment date 2024 May 1stCompany CogSmart (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") hereby announces the following matters regarding requests for the disclosure of held personal data (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction of content, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for the disclosure of records of third party provision.1. Name and address of the Company, names of representatives
Name: CogSmart Co., Ltd.
Address: 〒103-0023 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, Room 701
Representatives: President Akira Higuchi, Representative Director Yasuyuki Taki
2. Administrator of personal information protection
Title/Name: President Akira Higuchi
Contact: Email Address: [email protected]. Purposes of use of held personal data
(1) Personal information of customers acquired directly by the Company
・ Customer's personal information is used for providing products such as software for the improvement and maintenance of brain function, related after-sales services, and the introduction of new services (*In the case of obtaining consent, this includes guidance via e-mail).
(2) Personal information of inquirers regarding the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries.
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business.
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, and security management.
(5) Personal information of applicants directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes4. Contact point for complaints regarding held personal data handling
For inquiries regarding held personal data, we accept inquiries at the following contact point.
〒103-0023 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, Room 701
CogSmart Co., Ltd. Inquiries regarding personal informationEmail Address: [email protected]. Certified personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs
Name of certified personal information protection organization and contact point for filing complaints【Name of certified personal information protection organization】
   Japan Information Economy Society Promotion Association, General Incorporated Foundation【Contact point for filing complaints】
   Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
   〒106-0032 Roppongi 1-9-9, Minato-ku, Tokyo Roppongi First Building
   Phone number 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779
   (Not related to inquiries regarding our products or services)6. Procedures for disclosure, etc.
If there is a request for disclosure, etc., please contact the inquiries regarding personal information at the above contact point. We will explain the necessary procedures and send the required application forms.7. Measures taken for the security management of held personal data, etc.
The Company has established regulations for the handling of personal information and specific personal information, and measures for security, and has taken the following measures.
(1) Organizational security management measures
・ A policy has been established for the handling of personal information, and it has been thoroughly disseminated within the Company as the personal information protection policy, and is also publicly available on the website for general access.
・ For each stage such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., procedures for the handling of personal information, including handling methods, responsible persons and their duties, have been established and compiled as regulations documents, and have been disseminated within the Company.
・ Regular self-checks are conducted on the handling status of personal information, and regular internal audits by other departments and external parties from a fair standpoint are also conducted.
・ The handling of each piece of personal information is limited.
(2) Human security management measures
・ Regular training on matters to be mindful of regarding the handling of personal information is conducted for employees.
・ Confirmations of confidentiality are obtained from employees.
(3) Physical security measures, technical security measures
・ Access to personal information by persons other than the handlers is limited to prevent browsing of personal information.
・ In areas where personal information is handled, the entry and exit of employees and restrictions on bringing in devices, etc., are controlled.
・ Personal information is stored in lockable cabinets and on servers with access restrictions.
・ Measures such as firewalls have been introduced to prevent external unauthorized access to servers, etc.
Furthermore, measures against malicious software such as computer viruses are also implemented.
・ When transferring personal information, the following measures are taken:
- When transporting media, methods that leave delivery records are used or it is hand-delivered directly.
- Measures to prevent leakage such as encryption are implemented for electronic data communications.
(4) Understanding the external environment
・ In cases where there are business operators entrusted with the handling of personal information, safe handling is confirmed through the conclusion of contracts regarding the handling of personal information, and confirmation of the contents of terms and conditions and usage agreements. Above

Privacy Policy

Establishment date: October 30, 2019 Last revised date: September 15, 2023

CogSmart Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') shall publicly disclose the use of personal information within the scope of the following purposes, based on Article 21, paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act) and JIS Q 15001:2017 Appendix A. Purpose of use of personal information
The Company shall use the personal information it acquires for the following purposes:
【Purpose of use when acquiring personal information directly from the individual (including those obtained through written documents, websites, emails, etc. Hereinafter referred to as 'written documents')】
(1) Personal information of customers obtained directly by the Company, excluding items (2) to (4)
- Customer's personal information is used for the provision of products such as software for improving and maintaining brain function, related after-sales services, and the guidance of new services (*1)
(*1) When consent is obtained, this includes guidance through email.
(2) Personal information of inquirers about the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, security management, etc.
(5) Personal information of applicants applying directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes.

Matters regarding the notification of the possession of personal data and records of provision to third parties​
Establishment date: October 30, 2019 Last revised date: May 1, 2024​CogSmart Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') hereby notifies the following matters regarding requests for disclosure, etc. of the personal data held (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction of content, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for disclosure of records of provision to third parties.1. Name and address of the Company, name of representative
Name: CogSmart Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 701, Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
Representatives: President Akira Higuchi Director Yasuyuki Taki
2. Personal information protection manager
Title/name: President Akira Higuchi
Contact: Email address: [email protected]. Purpose of use of the personal data held
(1) Personal information of customers obtained directly by the Company
- Customer's personal information is used for the provision of products such as software for improving and maintaining brain function, related after-sales services, and the guidance of new services (*1)
(*1) When consent is obtained, this includes guidance through email.
(2) Personal information of inquirers about the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, security management, etc.
(5) Personal information of applicants applying directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes4. Contact for complaints regarding the handling of personal data held
For inquiries regarding the handling of personal data held, we accept inquiries at the following contact point.
Room 701, Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
CogSmart Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Email address: [email protected]. Certified personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs
Name of the certified personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs and contact point for filing complaints【Name of the certified personal information protection organization】
Japan Information Technology Promotion Association
【Contact for filing complaints】
Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
9-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Telephone number: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779
(This is not a contact point for inquiries about our products and services)6. Procedure for disclosure, etc.
If there is a request for disclosure, etc., please contact the Personal Information Inquiry Desk above. We will explain the necessary procedures and send the required application documents.7. Measures taken for the safety management of the personal data held
The Company has established regulations regarding the handling of personal information and specific personal information, and measures regarding safety, and has implemented the following measures.
(1) Organizational safety management measures
- We have established policies regarding the handling of personal information, and have thoroughly familiarized our employees with them and made them available to the public on our website as the Personal Information Protection Policy.
- We have formulated procedures for the handling of personal information at each stage, such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., and have familiarized our employees with these procedures, and have internal and external audits conducted from a fair standpoint regularly.
- We restrict the employees who handle personal information.
(2) Human safety management measures
- We regularly conduct training for employees on points to note regarding the handling of personal information.
- We obtain pledges from employees regarding confidentiality.
(3) Physical safety management measures, technical safety measures
- We limit the viewing of personal information to those responsible for handling it to prevent access by employees and others who do not have the authority.
- In areas where personal information is handled, we manage the entry and exit of employees and restrict the bringing in of devices, etc.
- We store personal information in lockable cabinets and on servers with access controls.
- We have introduced firewalls and other measures to prevent unauthorized access from outside to servers, etc.
We also take measures against unauthorized software such as computer viruses.
- When transferring personal information, we take the following measures.
- For the transfer of media, we use methods that leave delivery records or hand deliver directly.
- For electronic data communication, we take measures such as encryption to prevent leakage.
(4) Understanding the external environment
- If there are contractors who handle personal information, we confirm their safe handling through the conclusion of contracts for the handling of personal information and by checking the content of contracts and terms and conditions.​Above

Privacy Policy

Establishment date: October 30, 2019 Last revised date: September 15, 2023

CogSmart Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') shall publicly disclose the use of personal information within the scope of the following purposes, based on Article 21, paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act) and JIS Q 15001:2017 Appendix A. Purpose of use of personal information
The Company shall use the personal information it acquires for the following purposes:
【Purpose of use when acquiring personal information directly from the individual (including those obtained through written documents, websites, emails, etc. Hereinafter referred to as 'written documents')】
(1) Personal information of customers obtained directly by the Company, excluding items (2) to (4)
- Customer's personal information is used for the provision of products such as software for improving and maintaining brain function, related after-sales services, and the guidance of new services (*1)
(*1) When consent is obtained, this includes guidance through email.
(2) Personal information of inquirers about the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, security management, etc.
(5) Personal information of applicants applying directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes.

Matters regarding the notification of the possession of personal data and records of provision to third parties​
Establishment date: October 30, 2019 Last revised date: May 1, 2024​CogSmart Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') hereby notifies the following matters regarding requests for disclosure, etc. of the personal data held (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction of content, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for disclosure of records of provision to third parties.1. Name and address of the Company, name of representative
Name: CogSmart Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 701, Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
Representatives: President Akira Higuchi Director Yasuyuki Taki
2. Personal information protection manager
Title/name: President Akira Higuchi
Contact: Email address: [email protected]. Purpose of use of the personal data held
(1) Personal information of customers obtained directly by the Company
- Customer's personal information is used for the provision of products such as software for improving and maintaining brain function, related after-sales services, and the guidance of new services (*1)
(*1) When consent is obtained, this includes guidance through email.
(2) Personal information of inquirers about the Company's various businesses is used to respond to inquiries
(3) Personal information of the Company's shareholders is used for communication, provision of various information, shareholder management, and related/ancillary business
(4) Personal information of the Company's employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, welfare benefits, health management, security management, etc.
(5) Personal information of applicants applying directly to the Company is used for recruitment purposes4. Contact for complaints regarding the handling of personal data held
For inquiries regarding the handling of personal data held, we accept inquiries at the following contact point.
Room 701, Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
CogSmart Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Email address: [email protected]. Certified personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs
Name of the certified personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs and contact point for filing complaints【Name of the certified personal information protection organization】
Japan Information Technology Promotion Association
【Contact for filing complaints】
Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
9-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Telephone number: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779
(This is not a contact point for inquiries about our products and services)6. Procedure for disclosure, etc.
If there is a request for disclosure, etc., please contact the Personal Information Inquiry Desk above. We will explain the necessary procedures and send the required application documents.7. Measures taken for the safety management of the personal data held
The Company has established regulations regarding the handling of personal information and specific personal information, and measures regarding safety, and has implemented the following measures.
(1) Organizational safety management measures
- We have established policies regarding the handling of personal information, and have thoroughly familiarized our employees with them and made them available to the public on our website as the Personal Information Protection Policy.
- We have formulated procedures for the handling of personal information at each stage, such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., and have familiarized our employees with these procedures, and have internal and external audits conducted from a fair standpoint regularly.
- We restrict the employees who handle personal information.
(2) Human safety management measures
- We regularly conduct training for employees on points to note regarding the handling of personal information.
- We obtain pledges from employees regarding confidentiality.
(3) Physical safety management measures, technical safety measures
- We limit the viewing of personal information to those responsible for handling it to prevent access by employees and others who do not have the authority.
- In areas where personal information is handled, we manage the entry and exit of employees and restrict the bringing in of devices, etc.
- We store personal information in lockable cabinets and on servers with access controls.
- We have introduced firewalls and other measures to prevent unauthorized access from outside to servers, etc.
We also take measures against unauthorized software such as computer viruses.
- When transferring personal information, we take the following measures.
- For the transfer of media, we use methods that leave delivery records or hand deliver directly.
- For electronic data communication, we take measures such as encryption to prevent leakage.
(4) Understanding the external environment
- If there are contractors who handle personal information, we confirm their safe handling through the conclusion of contracts for the handling of personal information and by checking the content of contracts and terms and conditions.​Above

Disclosure of purposes of personal information usage

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: September 15, 2023

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") publicly discloses the purposes for which personal information will be used, in accordance with Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) and JISQ15001:2017 Annex A.

Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use the personal information obtained for the following purposes:

[When Personal Information is Directly Obtained from Individuals via Written Documents (including through websites, emails, etc.)]

1. For Customers' Personal Information Obtained Directly by the Company:

- To provide products related to the development and sales of software for the improvement and maintenance of brain function, related after-sales services, and to inform about new services.

- (This includes informing customers via email if consent has been obtained.)

2. For Inquiries Regarding the Company’s Businesses:

- To respond to inquiries.

3. For Shareholders' Personal Information:

- To manage shareholder relations and provide communication and information.

4. For Employees' Personal Information:

- For HR management, operational management, employee benefits, health management, and security management.

5. For Applicants Who Directly Apply to the Company:

- For recruitment purposes.

[When Personal Information is Obtained by Methods Other Than Direct Written Documents from Individuals]

1. To Conduct Tests, Interventions, and Prevention Related to the Improvement and Maintenance of Brain Function:

- To implement these activities and support operations.

2. For Information of Personnel of Partner Companies:

- To verify skills and provide to the contractor.

3. For Application Information from Public Employment Agencies or Private Job Placement Sites:

- For recruitment purposes.


Notice Regarding Retained Personal Data and Records of Third-Party Provision

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: May 1, 2024

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") provides the following information regarding requests for disclosure of retained personal data (such as notification of usage purposes, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for disclosure of records of third-party provision.

1. Company Name, Address, and Representative's Name

- Name: CogSmart Inc.

- Address: Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, Room 701, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023

- Representative: Akira Higuchi, President and CEO

Yasuyuki Taki, President and CEO

2. Personal Information Protection Manager

- Position and Name: Akira Higuchi, President and CEO

- Contact:

- Email: [email protected]

3. Purposes of Use of Retained Personal Data

1. For Customers' Personal Information Obtained Directly by the Company:

- To provide products related to the development and sales of software for the improvement and maintenance of brain function, related after-sales services, and to inform about new services.

- (*This includes informing customers via email if consent has been obtained.*)

2. For Inquiries Regarding the Company’s Businesses:

- To respond to inquiries.

3. For Shareholders' Personal Information:

- To manage shareholder relations and provide communication and information.

4. For Employees' Personal Information:

- For HR management, operational management, employee benefits, health management, and security management.

5. For Applicants' Information:

- For recruitment purposes.

4. Complaints Regarding the Handling of Retained Personal Data

For inquiries regarding retained personal data, please contact the following:

Address: Nihonbashi Life Science Building 5, Room 701, 3-8-5 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023

Company: CogSmart Inc.

Contact for Personal Information:

Email: [email protected]

5. Certified Personal Information Protection Organization to Which the Company Belongs

- Name: Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)

- Contact for Complaint Resolution:

Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office

Address: Roppongi First Building, 9-9, Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

Phone: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

(Please note this is not a contact point for inquiries regarding the Company’s products or services.)

6. Procedures for Disclosure, etc.

If you wish to request disclosure, etc., please contact the above Personal Information Inquiry Desk. We will explain the necessary procedures and send the required application forms.

7. Measures Taken for the Safe Management of Retained Personal Data

The Company has established regulations concerning the handling of personal information and specific personal information, as well as safety measures regulations, and has implemented the following measures:

1. Organizational Safety Management Measures:

- A policy regarding the handling of personal information has been established and disseminated within the company, and is also publicly available on our website.

- Procedures for handling personal information, including methods of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, have been established, documented, and communicated within the company.

- Regular self-assessments are conducted regarding the handling of personal information, as well as periodic internal audits by other departments and external parties.

- The number of employees handling personal information is limited.

2. Human Safety Management Measures:

- Regular training is provided to employees regarding the handling of personal information.

- Employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements.

3. Physical and Technical Safety Measures:

- The areas where personal information is handled are restricted to prevent unauthorized access by employees or other individuals without proper authorization.

- Personal information is stored in locked cabinets or servers with access restrictions.

- Firewalls and other measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to servers from external sources. Measures are also taken against unauthorized software such as computer viruses.

- During the transfer of personal information, the following measures are taken:

- When transferring media, methods that leave a record of delivery are used, or the media is handed directly.

- Electronic data transmission is encrypted to prevent leakage.

4. Understanding the External Environment:

- When contracting companies handle personal information, the Company ensures safe handling by concluding contracts regarding the handling of personal information or confirming the contents of terms and conditions.