Privacy Policy

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: June 7, 2024

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is engaged in the development and sales of software aimed at improving and maintaining brain function. We recognize the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders as a critical responsibility. Therefore, we fully acknowledge our social mission and, based on the principles of respect for human dignity and our self-imposed code of conduct, we are committed to protecting individual rights and complying with laws and regulations concerning personal information.

1. Handling of Personal Information

The Company limits the use of personal information to the scope necessary for operational management and handles it only within that scope. We will inform the individual in advance of the intended purpose of use and obtain their consent before using their information. If we need to use the information beyond its original intended purpose, we will not do so without the individual’s consent, except when the information is anonymized (processed to a state where individuals cannot be identified) or as required by law.

2. Compliance with Laws

The Company complies with Japanese laws, government-established guidelines, and other regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

3. Security Management

The Company takes measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information and strives to manage it securely and accurately.

4. Handling Complaints and Inquiries

The Company will promptly respond to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact us at the following:

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk

Phone: 03-6272-8000

E-Mail: [email protected]

6. Improving the Personal Information Protection System

The Company has established a personal information protection management system in accordance with JISQ15001 and manages personal information based on this system. This management system is reviewed as necessary and continuously improved.

CogSmart Inc.

President and CEO, Akira Higuchi

*This policy applies not only to the personal information of individuals but also to all personal information handled by the Company, including employee information.*

Privacy Policy

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: June 7, 2024

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is engaged in the development and sales of software aimed at improving and maintaining brain function. We recognize the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders as a critical responsibility. Therefore, we fully acknowledge our social mission and, based on the principles of respect for human dignity and our self-imposed code of conduct, we are committed to protecting individual rights and complying with laws and regulations concerning personal information.

1. Handling of Personal Information

The Company limits the use of personal information to the scope necessary for operational management and handles it only within that scope. We will inform the individual in advance of the intended purpose of use and obtain their consent before using their information. If we need to use the information beyond its original intended purpose, we will not do so without the individual’s consent, except when the information is anonymized (processed to a state where individuals cannot be identified) or as required by law.

2. Compliance with Laws

The Company complies with Japanese laws, government-established guidelines, and other regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

3. Security Management

The Company takes measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information and strives to manage it securely and accurately.

4. Handling Complaints and Inquiries

The Company will promptly respond to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact us at the following:

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk

Phone: 03-6272-8000

E-Mail: [email protected]

6. Improving the Personal Information Protection System

The Company has established a personal information protection management system in accordance with JISQ15001 and manages personal information based on this system. This management system is reviewed as necessary and continuously improved.

CogSmart Inc.

President and CEO, Akira Higuchi

*This policy applies not only to the personal information of individuals but also to all personal information handled by the Company, including employee information.*

Privacy Policy

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: June 7, 2024

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is engaged in the development and sales of software aimed at improving and maintaining brain function. We recognize the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders as a critical responsibility. Therefore, we fully acknowledge our social mission and, based on the principles of respect for human dignity and our self-imposed code of conduct, we are committed to protecting individual rights and complying with laws and regulations concerning personal information.

1. Handling of Personal Information

The Company limits the use of personal information to the scope necessary for operational management and handles it only within that scope. We will inform the individual in advance of the intended purpose of use and obtain their consent before using their information. If we need to use the information beyond its original intended purpose, we will not do so without the individual’s consent, except when the information is anonymized (processed to a state where individuals cannot be identified) or as required by law.

2. Compliance with Laws

The Company complies with Japanese laws, government-established guidelines, and other regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

3. Security Management

The Company takes measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information and strives to manage it securely and accurately.

4. Handling Complaints and Inquiries

The Company will promptly respond to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact us at the following:

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk

Phone: 03-6272-8000

E-Mail: [email protected]

6. Improving the Personal Information Protection System

The Company has established a personal information protection management system in accordance with JISQ15001 and manages personal information based on this system. This management system is reviewed as necessary and continuously improved.

CogSmart Inc.

President and CEO, Akira Higuchi

*This policy applies not only to the personal information of individuals but also to all personal information handled by the Company, including employee information.*

Privacy Policy

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: June 7, 2024

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is engaged in the development and sales of software aimed at improving and maintaining brain function. We recognize the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders as a critical responsibility. Therefore, we fully acknowledge our social mission and, based on the principles of respect for human dignity and our self-imposed code of conduct, we are committed to protecting individual rights and complying with laws and regulations concerning personal information.

1. Handling of Personal Information

The Company limits the use of personal information to the scope necessary for operational management and handles it only within that scope. We will inform the individual in advance of the intended purpose of use and obtain their consent before using their information. If we need to use the information beyond its original intended purpose, we will not do so without the individual’s consent, except when the information is anonymized (processed to a state where individuals cannot be identified) or as required by law.

2. Compliance with Laws

The Company complies with Japanese laws, government-established guidelines, and other regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

3. Security Management

The Company takes measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information and strives to manage it securely and accurately.

4. Handling Complaints and Inquiries

The Company will promptly respond to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact us at the following:

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk

Phone: 03-6272-8000

E-Mail: [email protected]

6. Improving the Personal Information Protection System

The Company has established a personal information protection management system in accordance with JISQ15001 and manages personal information based on this system. This management system is reviewed as necessary and continuously improved.

CogSmart Inc.

President and CEO, Akira Higuchi

*This policy applies not only to the personal information of individuals but also to all personal information handled by the Company, including employee information.*

Privacy Policy

Established: October 30, 2019 | Last Revised: June 7, 2024

CogSmart Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is engaged in the development and sales of software aimed at improving and maintaining brain function. We recognize the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders as a critical responsibility. Therefore, we fully acknowledge our social mission and, based on the principles of respect for human dignity and our self-imposed code of conduct, we are committed to protecting individual rights and complying with laws and regulations concerning personal information.

1. Handling of Personal Information

The Company limits the use of personal information to the scope necessary for operational management and handles it only within that scope. We will inform the individual in advance of the intended purpose of use and obtain their consent before using their information. If we need to use the information beyond its original intended purpose, we will not do so without the individual’s consent, except when the information is anonymized (processed to a state where individuals cannot be identified) or as required by law.

2. Compliance with Laws

The Company complies with Japanese laws, government-established guidelines, and other regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

3. Security Management

The Company takes measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information and strives to manage it securely and accurately.

4. Handling Complaints and Inquiries

The Company will promptly respond to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact us at the following:

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk

Phone: 03-6272-8000

E-Mail: [email protected]

6. Improving the Personal Information Protection System

The Company has established a personal information protection management system in accordance with JISQ15001 and manages personal information based on this system. This management system is reviewed as necessary and continuously improved.

CogSmart Inc.

President and CEO, Akira Higuchi

*This policy applies not only to the personal information of individuals but also to all personal information handled by the Company, including employee information.*